About Us

Value Advisory is a valuation and financial advisory services firm based in Tokyo.
We specialize in providing valuation services relating to intangible assets for transaction and financial reporting purposes including business enterprise value and other intangible assets arising from purchase price allocations.

Our clientele is comprised of both large publicly-traded companies and small to medium size closely-held companies in Japan within wide range of industries.

Kojima Kimihiko, a Certified Public Accountant in Japan, is the founder of the firm and has extensive experience in the valuation and accounting industry for more than 15 years. Mr. Kojima has worked with the Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC. in Tokyo prior to establishing the firm in 2016.

Our Services

Transaction purposes

We offer valuation services of business enterprise value and equity value in connection with transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, and reorganization of shareholder structure for both sell side and buy side clients. We help our clients on numerous occasions whether it be corporate planning phases involving scenario analysis, or closing phases making adjustments for determination of final purchase prices.

Financial reporting purposes

We provide comprehensive valuation services involving pre and post transaction purchase price allocations focusing on intangible assets, including customer relationships, technology, and trademarks and trade names, and also impairment testing for finite and indefinite-lived intangible assets including goodwill. We have numerous experiences in providing assistance our clients in audit review process with major accounting firms and our reports maintain compliance with continuously changing accounting standards.

Our track record

For five consecutive years, Value Advisory LLC has been ranked in LSEG League tables.

Full Year 2023 - Japan M&A mid-market financial advisory

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